Who Are We?

Punjab Aromatics Trading Corporation is one of the leading extractor and buyer of group of Mentha oil known as ‘Aromatics’ which include Mint oil, Peppermint Oil, Spearmint Oil. These oils are extracted from various species of mint, commonly known as “Pudina” in Northern India . These oils have characteristic aroma and cooling effects. They have found a place as an important component of many Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Food Industry.

We offer state of the art infrastructure to extract the various forms of Mentha Oil from the plants. Our Extraction plants are spread across various districts of Punjab. We enable farmers to get the oil extracted from their produce in a sustainable and cost effective manners. There exist various ways to extract the oil from the farm produce, but we follow the steam distillation method of extraction, which is the one of the best methods to extract these oils from the dried or semi dried plants.

Types of Oil

Mentha Oil

Mentha (Mentha Arvensis) is an aromatic herb, belonging to Mint Family. Mentha is first dried and then passed through a steam distillation process to extract the menthol and its derivatives. Mentha Oil is a waxy Substance, which is generally Solid at room temperature.

Pepper Mint Oil

Peppermint (Mentha Pipperita) belongs to the Mint family. It is a naturally occurring hybrid of Water mint and Spear mint. Peppermint Oil is multipurpose earning the reputation of being one of the most versatile oils in the world along with Lavender Oil. The most active components of peppermint are menthol and Menthone which are known to reduce Pain and invigorate, energize and prevent growth of Bacteria.

Spearmint Oil

Spearmint Oil (Mentha Spicata) belong to the same Mint family, but is believed to be the oldest member of the Mint Family and used traditionally for its digestive benefits. Spearmint Oil has earned the name “Gentler Mint Oil”, as it has a softer Scent as compared to Peppermint Oil, making it ideal for children, elderly and people with Sensitive Skin.

Our Infrastructure

Punjab Aromatics Trading Corporation has its Oil Extraction and Collection Facilities spread across various regions of Punjab. Our experienced Collection team is organised in a manner to load the Oil from your extraction facility.
Moreover, Oil Extraction facilities set up by Punjab Aromatics and Trading Corporation are all designed in a way to extract the oil by Steam Distillation Process which enables to reuse the left overs of the produce to generate the steam and extract the oil from next batch of the produce.