Micro Irrigation Services to Community Pipeline Projects, PIAFS provides the professional care, detailed analysis, and cost clarity to develop a world class irrigation system adding extraordinary value.

Here is a small selection of our work

Community Micro
Irrigation Project

Site: Talwara, Punjab
Client: Jain Irrigation

Solar Operated Community Micro irrigation Project, Talwara is the World’s only and the largest integrated community solar powered micro irrigation project providing irrigation to about 1200 farmers. This area was not feasible for canal irrigation due to its higher elevation and undulated terrain. This path breaking sustainable solution has now opened the avenues for Himalayan states and other hilly areas in the country.

Despite being land of Five Rivers, 2.5% of Punjab's land is totally dependent upon monsoon for irrigation due to hilly terrain and forest Area. One such area is near the banks of kandi Canal, where due to its altitude elevation, farmers are mostly dependent upon the rain for farming practices. In Joint Partnership with Jain Irrigation Systems, the team at Punjab Irrigation and Farm Solutions implemented this project.
This Solar operated Community Micro irrigation Project is benefitting about 1200 farmers covering 1642 Acres of Land. In this community project total pumping capacity of 750kW has been installed which is powered by 1.2 MW Solar electricity saving about 17,54,000 units yearly.

Treated Water
for Irrigation

Site: Phagwara, Punjab
Client: Govt of Punjab

Sewerage Treatment Plant Phagwara releases about 28 Million Litres of treated Water Per day. The project was aimed to Transport this water to nearby Fields covering 1000 Hectare of land. Water from Phagwara STP provides irrigation to more than 100 farmers.

Technological Challenge: A versatile conveyance system was to be selected, which possess qualities like resistant to corrosiveness, bacterial and fungal conditions, which have a huge possibility of being present in treated waters. To tackle all these issues and ensure a longevity of coneyance systems, HDPE pipes were selected.
Moreover, the project benefits in various manners:

  • Which in turn reduces the load on Ground water.
  • Consequently, this treated water is used for irrigation for both Rabi(Wheat) and Kharif (Rice) Crops.
  • Further, the yield per hectare increased by 10-15%. In turn, increasing the Farmer's income accordingly.

Village pond
For Irrigation

Site: Dera Bassi
Client: Jain Irrigation

Village pond contains the collection of water from the gullies in the village. There is stagnant water in village ponds and becomes a source of various diseases for the villagers. But, if this water is regularly pumped for irrigation and other purposes it reduces the chances of water borne diseases.

Now, this water is lifted using Solar Pump and transported to respective fields. Further, this solar powered pumps in village pond results in reduced expenditure for the farmer and reduced stress on the Groundwater. Hence, increasing the profits for the respective Farmers and community as a whole.


Site: Moga, Punjab
Client: Govt of Punjab

In some areas, the groundwater is salty and cannot be used for agricultural practices. Now, if the farmer has an open channel from canal to the Farm, there is loss of water due to seepage. Moreover, these open channels can be blocked anytime. In this scenario our team at PIAFS designs and implements an underground pipeline from canals to the respective field to provide the farmer with uninterrupted supply of canal water for their field. This water can be carried to farms near to canal as well as away from canal like 15-20 kms from the canal.

After the Installed Pipelines, elevated areas can be irrigated as well. Moreover, water consumption decreases by 25-30% and the labour requirements decreases. This in turn enables farmer to grow their desired crops.


Site: Sri Muktsar Sahib, Punjab
Client: Govt of Punjab

In some areas, Groundwater is very Salty which is not good for crop growth and yield. Moreover, due to non-availability of canals nearby, total area cannot be irrigated. In order to resolve this issue tube well is installed where groundwater healthy for crop growth is present. But, farmers cannot transport this water through open channel as it increases the risk of seepage and loss of water. Due to this reason underground PVC and HDPE Pipelines are installed from Tube well to the farm.

After the Installed Pipelines, elevated areas can be irrigated as well. Moreover, water consumption decreases by 25-30% and the labour requirements decreases. This in turn enables farmer to grow their desired crops.


Site: Chilli, Uttar Pradesh
Client: Govt of Uttar Pradesh

Under the Uttar Pradesh Government Flagship scheme of providing 100% subsidised Sprinkler irrigation systems to marginal farmers, to help them with crop productivity and better returns. But, Transporting Water from canal to field is a tedious task and in case if it done using an open channel then there are possibilities for loss of water by seepage and other issues that arise out of open channel systems.
PIAFS is responsible for

  • Underground HDPE pipeline from canal to a storage tank and from storage tank to field.
  • Construction of Storage Tank.
  • Implementation of 0.754 Mega Watt Solar Pump for lifting the water from tank to Fields.
  • Fencing Work for Solar system