Solar Solutions

Why Solar Power?

In this combat against Climate change, solar power is key to a clean energy future. Daily, Sun provides us with far more energy than we require to power each and everything on the Earth. That’s why there is a need to invest heavily in Solar kits for your residential, Government Enterprises, large godowns and others to take on the solar kits.

Limitless Solar Energy

Sun providing us with limitless energy everyday to meet daily requirements of energy on earth but unlike fossil fuels, it won’t run out anytime soon. As a renewable energy source, only limitation is our inability to convert this free energy into electricity in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Solar Energy - A clean Source

Solar kits does not emit greenhouses into the atmosphere while generating electricity. Since the sun provides more energy than we’ll ever need, electricity from solar power is very important for the transition towards cleaner energy

No fuel to burn

After the installation of solar panels, cost incurred on operations is quite low in comparison to other forms of power generation. Fuel is not required and solar power can generate huge amounts of electricity without uncertainty and expense of securing a fuel supply.

Solar Power And Environment

As a renewable CO2-free power source, the environmental impact of solar power is significantly smaller than other power generation methods. The impact is mainly related to the production and supply of the special materials and metals that are required to produce solar panels. The location and the water used to clean the solar panels also affect the environment. We are working hard to find alternative ways to clean our solar panels.

Generate your Own Electricity

Get a Rooftop Installation for your Home, Godown, farm or Commercial building in 4 Easy Steps.

Consultation: We visit and assess your Energy Needs.

Design: Experts in our team help you design the Solar solution crafted as per your need.

Clearance: Our team helps you with Authority clearance to install your Solar System.

Installation: On the installation day, you can expect us to install the system within 4-8 Hours.

Solar Geyser

Solar Geysers are one of the most eco-friendly ways of heating water for your Home, Office, Godown or Commercial/ Residential Complex. Solar Geyser helps minimize the ecological impact for water heating. In addition to this it lower the cost for water temperature management as it comes with one time installation cost.

Solar Pump

Increase in the cost of Diesel and Electricity, is increasing the input cost for agricultural practices. But, Getting a Solar Pump for your Farm Will help bring down the operational cost and dependency over electricity and diesel. Further, it comes with a single installation cost and hassle free usage. Contact Us to get your Quote.